Module integrators.provider_integrator

implement provider lookups from both local tables and public API


class ProviderAPIParams (terms: str = '', maxList: str = '10', sf: str = '', df: str = 'name,NPI,provider_type,licenses,name_other,other_ids.state,addr_mailing.state,addr_practice.state')

Parameters passed to public NLM API for global search

Class variables

var df : str
var maxList : str
var sf : str
var terms : str

Instance variables

prop base_params : str

url parameters supplied to all requests, 1-to-1 with class fields

prop last_query : str

return the URL parameter q from the last API request


def query_by_name(self, provider_name: str, is_anes_provider: bool) ‑> str

set value of "q" in url parameters based on supplied name and type

def query_by_npi(self, npi: str) ‑> str

set value of "q" in url parameters based on supplied name and type

class ProviderAPIResponse (count: int = 0, NPIs: list[str] = <factory>, ef: Any = None, results: list[list[Any]] = <factory>, original_name: str = '', original_npi: str = '')

top level fields in nlm API response as documented at


count : int
number of results returned
NPIs : list[str]
NPIs of returned providers
ef : str
no use case. present in output. see link above.
results : list[dict[str, Any]]
raw representation as returned by API call

Class variables

var NPIs : list[str]
var count : int
var ef : Any
var original_name : str
var original_npi : str
var results : list[list[typing.Any]]

Instance variables

prop provider_results : list[ProviderAPIResult]

results after conversion to dbops.ProviderRecord dataclass objects

class ProviderAPIResult (names: list[dict[str, str]], npi: str, provider_type: str, licenses: list[dict], states: Collection[str])

single result from ProviderAPIResponse.provider_results. Contains all necessary data for creation of dbops.ProviderRecord via convenience method self.to_record()

Instance variables

prop full_name : str

full name constructed from primary name object in result

prop provider_dataProviderData

return a dbops.ProviderData instance from self fields names, licenses, and states. facilities always set to current.


def to_record(self) ‑> ProviderRecord

return self as dbops.ProviderRecord

class ProviderIntegrator (public_only: bool = False, api_url: str = '', url_params: ProviderAPIParams = <factory>)

performs lookups of extracted provider information against local DB tables with fallback to the public API maintained by the National Library of Medicine at also updates "lastOccurrence" info in local DB tables after a successful match.


  • utilities.protocols.ProviderIntegratorProtocol
  • typing.Protocol
  • typing.Generic

Class variables

var api_url : str
var full_name : utilities.v_str.vStr
var is_anes_provider : bool
var mode : str | None
var npi : str | utilities.v_str.vStr
var public_only : bool
var url_paramsProviderAPIParams

Static methods

def cache_check(*, provider: ProviderIntegrator | ProviderRecord, facility: str = 'Initializing', update_only: bool = False) ‑> list[ProviderRecord]

check provider cache before search public API / DB and update cache if NPI has been found.


provider : ProviderIntegrator
provider integrator instance containing
search criteria.
facility : str
facility name, resets the cache if changed
update_only : bool
initialize cache value without "found in cache" log


list containing a single provider record if

found in cache. list emulates return value of other search functions.

Instance variables

prop last_api_response : None | dict[str, Any]

last public API query response

prop last_url_params : dict[str, Any]

last public API query parameters

prop query_name

name of last query function


def next_query(self) ‑> Iterator[list[ProviderRecord] | list[ProviderAPIResult]]

generate all valid local and query parameterizations in order of priority for successive db searches

def search(self, is_anes_provider: bool, full_name: str | vStr, npi: str | vStr = '', mode: str | None = None) ‑> tuple[utilities.v_str.vStr, utilities.v_str.vStr]

progressively search local DB and public API with supplied provider data and return (a) fully populated vStr objects for the provider name and NPI upon a successful lookup or (b) an 'original value only' vStr object for the provider name and a "null" vStr upon failure.