Module specs._types._client

TypeDict definitions for


class ClientSpecStatic (*args, **kwargs)

Top level keys that must be present in ClientSpec objects


db_secret_name : str
Name of the secret containing the database credentials.
api_secret_name : str
Name of the secret containing the api credentials.
managed_fields : dict[str, ManagedField]
client level standard fields.
managed_fields_context_rules : list[ContextRule]
client level context rules.
summary_key_addendum : list[str]
additional summary keys specific to client.
summary_map_addendum : dict[str, ReduceSpec]
dict of additional summary reduce specs.


  • builtins.dict

Class variables

var api_secret_name : str
var db_secret_name : str
var managed_fields : dict[str, utilities.managed_fields.ManagedField]
var managed_fields_context_rules : list[utilities.managed_fields.ContextRule]
var summary_key_addendum : list[str]
var summary_map_addendum : dict[str, ReduceSpec]
class FacilitySpec (*args, **kwargs)

Facility entry in client_specs.builtin_client_specs.


azure_secret_name : str
stores endpoint and subscription key for Azure Computer Vision OCR operations.
dest_prefix : str
The final s3 folder specification for processed PDFs.
extract_func : partial | pu.ExtractFunc
Function used for text extraction.
facility_name : str
failed_prefix : str
The final s3 folder specification for failed PDFs.
first_dos : str
The first date of service to be coded for facility.
insurance_integration_mode (Literal['0', '1'] | None): overrides equivalent env var when set.
max_keys : int
Override max keys passed to extract_buckets for this facility.
match_specs_key : str
Key for this facility in match_specs.
output_dir : str | None
Optional directory for saving intermediate outputs.
provider_integration_mode (Literal['0', '1', '2'] | None): overrides equivalent env var when set.
s3_prefix : str
Non-filename portion of source PDF s3 keys.
section_specs_key : str
Key in section_specs.
send_func : Callable
S3Batch output processing function.
source_prefix : str
The final s3 folder specification for unprocessed PDFs.
summary_key_addendum : list[str]
List of additional summary keys valid for this facility.
summary_map_addendum : dict[str, ReduceSpec]
dict of additional summary reduce specs.
summary_specs_key : str
Key for summary type in summary_specs.
table_specs_key : str
Key for facility type in table_specs.
transform_specs_key : str
Key for facility type in transform_specs.
use_autocoding : bool
Flag to enable/disable autocoding for the facility.
use_docuvision : bool
Flag to enable/disable docuvision for the facility.
managed_fields : dict[str, ManagedField]
Custom standard field values (optional).
list[ContextRule]: facility level context rules.
dv_preferred_networks : list[str] | None
List of DocuVision neural networks preferred for this facility.
dv_required_page_types : set[str] | None
if supplied, docuvision will only create a case for a pid if at least one of the pages assigned to that pid has a noteType in this set.
send_reject_notifications : bool
if True, include a UserNotification for each rejected s3 file input in the ClaimMaker Alert email to the client. Defaults to False.
file_groups : list[S3FileGroup]
list of file groups specifying how to process every file type according to a matched regex


  • builtins.dict

Class variables

var azure_secret_name : str
var dest_prefix : str
var dv_preferred_networks : list[str] | None
var dv_required_page_types : set[str] | None
var extract_func : functools.partial[dict[str, utilities.utils.FileContentsEntry]] |[[dict[str, utilities.library_utils.PDFLibProto]], dict[str, utilities.utils.FileContentsEntry]]
var facility_name : str
var failed_prefix : str
var file_groups : list[utilities.client_utils.S3FileGroup]
var first_dos : str
var insurance_integration_mode : Optional[Literal['0', '1']]
var managed_fields : dict[str, utilities.managed_fields.ManagedField]
var managed_fields_context_rules : list[utilities.managed_fields.ContextRule]
var match_specs_key : str
var max_keys : int
var output_dir : str | None
var provider_integration_mode : Optional[Literal['0', '1', '2']]
var s3_prefix : str
var section_specs_key : str
var send_func :[..., dict[str, bool]]
var send_reject_notifications : bool
var source_prefix : str
var summary_key_addendum : list[str]
var summary_map_addendum : dict[str, ReduceSpec]
var summary_specs_key : str
var table_specs_key : str | None
var transform_specs_key : str
var use_autocoding : bool
var use_docuvision : bool