Module table_transformer


from table_transformer import TableTransformer


Restructures data from a directory of json files or dict of SectionExtractor objects to group the data by section and table title. Provides a query by key interface for use in data analysis and data summarization. See TableTransformer class documentation for additional info.


class Section (section_name: str, section_transforms: sp.SectionTransformSpec)


Internal to table_transformer. See TableTransformer docstring for additional information.


def add_key(self, table_name: str, key_name: str, check_key_name: str, value_map: dict[str, list[str]])

Add a new key (aka column) to a table based on values found in an existing column.


table_name : str
table name
key_name : str
Name of new key
check_key_name : str
Name of existing key to check
value_map : dict[str, list[str]]
Keys correspond to new

column value if check_key_name column contains any string in value list


message indicating success or failure for logging
def add_raw_table(self, source_file: str, table_name: str, rows: list[dict[str, str]])

add new Table from source_file to tables[table_name] list

def add_table(self, table: Table)

append existing Table to tables[table.title]; used by transform funcs when moving a table

def add_table_name(self, table_name: str)

add tables entry for supplied name if not already present

def add_to_section_summary(self, table_name: str, as_dict=False, use_section_name=False, suffix='')

add table to section summary and drop


table_name : str
table name
as_dict : bool
Optional. If true, add all table contents
to a single column in summary. Defaults to False.
use_section_name : bool
Optional. Use section name as new
column name. Defaults to False.
suffix : str
Optional. Appended to column name. Defaults to "".


message indicating success or failure for logging
def apply_transforms(self, table_names='')

See TableTransformer.apply_transforms

def combine_columns(self, table_name: str, columns_to_combine: Sequence[str], separator: str = ' ', new_column_name: str | None = None, strict: bool = False)

Combine two or more columns into a single column, removing the original columns. Typically used to combine separate "Date" and "Time" columns into a single DateTime column.


table_name : str
table name
columns_to_combine : Sequence[str]
Sequence containing list of columns to be combined
separator : str
Optional. Used with "join" to concatenate list of all old column values into new value. Defaults to " ".
new_column_name : str
Optional. If supplied, used as the name for the newly created column. Otherwise, the new column name is calculated as separator.join(columns_to_combine). Defaults to None.


message indicating success or failure for logging
def combine_table_by_source(self, table_name: str)

Combine all rows for all table instances into the first table instance, for each source and drop all but the first table.


ensures there's only one output in pdf_presummary per summary spec query. see 'QCDR' in transform_specs. if two postprocedure notes are included in the pdf, two QCDR tables are added for that source causing issues with duplicate case note lines / custom field entries.

def condense_tables(self, table_name, condense_spec: sp.CondenseSpec, suffix='', debug=False)

Transform function for condensing an overly verbose table into a terse version containing only values of interest.


table_name : str
table name
condense_spec : sp.CondenseSpec
dictionary containing specifications for converting existing fields into desired output
suffix : str
Optional. Appended to all keys in output dict. Defaults to "".
debug : bool
Optional. Log debug data. Defaults to False.


message indicating success or failure for logging
def convert_to_bool(self, table_name: str, convert_key: str, check_key: str, convert_func: Callable[[str, str], bool] = <built-in function eq>)

convert a key's value to a boolean value (formatted as a string) by comparing its value with the value of another key

def drop_keys(self, table_name: str, keys: list[str], sep='.')

Drop all keys (aka columns) contained in keys from a table.


table_name : str
table name
keys : list[str]
List of columns/keys to drop
sep : str
Optional. Used for chaining column names. Defaults to ".".


message indicating success or failure for logging
def drop_rows(self, table_name: str, row_checks: list[Callable[[dict[str, str]], bool]], drop_when: bool = True)

drop all rows where row_check(row) == drop_when for the specified table and row_checks.


table_name : str
table name
row_checks : list[Callable[[dict[str, str]], bool]]
List of row_check functions. if any row_check(row) == drop_when, row is eliminated
drop_when : bool
defaults to True


message indicating success or failure for logging
def drop_table(self, table_name: str)

Self explanatory

def split_key(self, table_name: str, check_key: str, new_keys: list[str], split_func: Callable[..., NamedTuple | SimpleNamespace], combine=False, debug=False)

split_func should return an object with attributes that match the values in new_keys, typically a namedtuple. E.g. for: new_keys = ['street1', 'street2', 'city', 'state', 'zip'] split_func returns a namedtuple AddressTuple with field names corresponding to all values in new_keys

def standardize_columns(self, table_name: str, default: str = '--', debug=False)

standardize the columns in all table instances by source


table_name : str
table name

default (str, ""): value to use when adding a missing key


message indicating success or failure for logging
def table_for_source(self, tab_name: str, source: str)

manual use. get Table tab_name for source

def tables_for_source(self, source: str)

returns a list of all tables for supplied source. used during summary operations.

def update_keys(self, table_name: str, key_tuples: list[tu.KeyTuple])

Renames keys based on a list of tuples corresponding to (old key, new key)


table_name : str
table name
key_tuples : list[tuple[str, str]]
list of tuples of string

of form (old key name, new key name)


message indicating success or failure for logging
def value_pivot(self, table_name: str, key_column: str, pivot_columns: Sequence[str], key_column_split: str | None = None, overflow_column: str = 'overflow', sep: str = '.')

Classic spreadsheet "pivot" function for transposing table values into columns.


table_name : str
table name
key_column : str
name of column containing values to convert
key_column_split : str
character at which value should be split to produce new column name. Typically set to newline.
overflow_column : str
New or existing column to house data ocurring after first instance of key_column_split.
pivot_columns : Sequence[str]
Columns which will become new values in pivoted table.
sep : str
Optional. Separator for chaining column names. Defaults to ".".


message indicating success or failure for logging
class Table (source_file: str, section_name: str, table_name: str, rows: list[dict[str, str | vStr]])


Internal to table_transformer. See TableTransformer docstring for additional information.


def cnt(self)

return len(self.rows)

def query_by_key(self, key_query: str, drop_keys_like: Sequence[str] | None = None)

given regex string "key_query" return a nested list of values from all matched columns

def select_column(self, column: str) ‑> list[str | vStr]

returns a list of values for a column

def update_names(self, section_name: str, table_name: str, sep='.')

update names in Table object


section_name : str
new section name
table_name : str
new table name
sep : str
Optional. for column name chaining. Defaults to ".".
class TableTransformer (extracted_data, transform_spec: sp.TransformSpec, summary_spec: sp.SummarySpec, auto=True, **kwargs)


tab_transformer = TableTransformer('./mydir/*.json', 'Epic') OR tab_transformer = TableTransformer(section_dict, 'Epic') where section_dict is of the form returned by section_extractor.section_extractor_factory().

Init Args: extracted_data: dict or directory containing json files summary_spec: defines the output of the final call to the summarize_section transform function. obtain from specs.get_summary_spec(). transform_spec: defines the transforms to be applied to the data. obtain from specs.get_transform_spec(). auto: If true, perform all section and table transformations defined in the transform_specs and generate a summary df during TableTransformer init. True is the default as the typical use case is to process and transform the data without additional user intervention. If false, exit the init routine after loading the data but before any transformations are applied. Allows the user to manually apply transforms, examine data at multiple stages of the transformation process, analyze data to inform the creation of new transform specs, and troubleshoot problems.


read section and table data and group by section and table titles for further processing. E.g. incoming data: { 'Patient1': { 'Section1.Table1': [ {'field1': 'value1', …}, … ], 'Section1.Table2': [ {'field1': 'value1', …}, … ], 'Section2.Table1': [ {'field1': 'value1', …}, … ], }, 'Patient2': { 'Section1.Table1': [ {'field1': 'value1', …}, … ], 'Section1.Table2': [ {'field1': 'value1', …}, … ], 'Section2.Table1': [ {'field1': 'value1', …}, … ], }, … } will be restructured into: TableTransformer.sections = { 'Section1': Section( | —>.tables = { 'Table1': [ Table( | —>.rows = [{'field1': 'value1', …}, …] —>.source = 'Patient1'), Table( | —>.rows = [{'field1': 'value1', …}, …] —>.source = 'Patient2'), … ], 'Table2': [ Table( | —>.rows = [{'field1': 'value1', …}, …] —>.source = 'Patient1'), Table( | —>.rows = [{'field1': 'value1', …}, …] —>.source = 'Patient2'), … ], … } ), 'Section2': Section( | —>.tables = { 'Table1': [ Table( | —>.rows = [{'field1': 'value1', …}, …] —>.source = 'Patient1'), Table( | —>.rows = [{'field1': 'value1', …}, …] —>.source = 'Patient2'), … ], … } ), } where Section and Table are instances of the classes defined below. Note that this restructuring is considered pre-processing and will occur during init regardless of the value passed to the auto param.

read in all .json files in source directory or consume output of section_extractor.section_extractor_factory().


def add_section(self, section_name: str)

Creates a new instance of the Section class and adds it to self.sections dict.

def apply_transforms(self, section_names=None)


Internal if auto=True is passed to TableTransformer constructor OR table_xformer.apply_transforms(Optional list of sections)


Generates an ordered list of function calls according to self.transform_spec and uses getattr to find and call the correct function reference. Three distinct "transform" operations are performed: "pre" section transforms: Transforms applied at the section level prior to applying transforms at the table level. specified by transform_specs['Section Name']['section_transforms']['pre']. transforms defined in the "pre" section of transform_specs['default_specs']['section_transforms']['pre'] will also be called for ALL sections. table transforms: Transfroms applied at the table level by the "apply_transforms" function of the Section class. "post" section transforms: Transforms applied at the section level after applying transforms at the table level. specified in the same way as the 'pre' transforms but by a 'post' key rather than 'pre', default_specs included.

def as_nested_dict(self, **kwargs) ‑> dict[str, dict[str, typing.Any]]

Convert self._deduped_summary into a nested object such that jmespath queries for keys in self._deduped_summary return the original value from self._dedupled_summary.


assign "as_nested_dict" to the "summary_func" key in a summary_spec


dedup_lists : bool
an exception to the NOTE above. managed internally.
explode_specs : list[ExplodeSpec]
list of ExplodeSpec. converts nested objects into arrays. each item in the nest is converted to an object of form {"key": "original_item_key", "value": "original_item_value"}

NOTE: all kwargs should be passed via entries in the "summary_args" key of a summary_spec


dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
nested dictionary of the form {patient_designator: {nested_object}, …}
def as_summary_dict(self)

used by default_summary_spec to return summary_dict as output

def copy_keys(self, section_name: str, dest_sect_name: str, src_tab_name: str, dest_tab_name: str, key_tuples: list[tu.KeyTuple], **kwargs) ‑> str


Internal kwargs: concat, multi_row, create_dest_tab, create_dest_sect (all bool) Additional Info: transform function applied at the section level via TableTransformer.apply_transforms() function. Calls are driven via entries in transform_specs['Section Name']['section_transforms']


copy a key value pair from the first row of a table in one section to all rows of a table in a different section

def dedup_pdf_summary(self, list_sep: str = '|') ‑> dict[str, dict[str, str]]

dedup entries in self.summary_dict

def drop_tables(self, section_name, table_names, **kwargs)


Internal Additional Info: transform function applied at the section level via TableTransformer.apply_transforms() function. Calls are driven via entries in transform_specs['Section Name']['section_transforms']


Drop (delete) all instances of a Table class from a Section.

def flattened_dump(self, sep='|')

A flattened dict of all key/value pairs from all tables for each source

def generate_tables_by_source(self) ‑>[tuple[str, list[Table]]]

Iterator for producing tuples of form (source, list of tables)


tuple[str, list[Table]]
Each yielded value represents the comprehensive list of tables extracted for source.
def merge_with_output(self, flat_data: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, nested_data: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None) ‑> dict[str, bool]

merge data from schedule/demo csv (flat_data) with data from database (nested_data) and data extracted from PDFs (self.output).

merges utilize the case_matcher class defined in matchops.standard_matchers.


flat_data : dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
data from schedule
nested_data : dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
data from database


dict[str, bool]
dict of case_designator: send_result pairs
def move_tables(self, section_name: str, dest_sect_name: str, src_tab_name: str, dest_tab_name: str, **kwargs) ‑> str


Internal Additional Info: transform function applied at the section level via TableTransformer.apply_transforms() function. Calls are driven via entries in transform_specs['Section Name']['section_transforms']


Move a Table class from one Section to another (renaming the class if desired), or rename a Table class in place

def section_table_split(self, sect_and_tab: str)

Keys are expected to have form "Section Name.Table Name[.#]" where [.#] is an optional instance id to avoid duplicate keys. Log error if number of remaining fields != 2 after removing numerics.

def strip_prefix(self, section_name, table_names, sep='.')


Internal Additional Info: transform function applied at the section level via TableTransformer.apply_transforms() function. Calls are driven via entries in transform_specs['Section Name']['section_transforms']


Removes prefixes from all keys in a Table class, e.g. "Pre Evaluation.BP" –> "BP"

def summarize_section(self, section_name: str, summary_spec: sp.SummarySpec = None, sep='|', debug=False)


Internal Additional Info: transform function applied at the section level via TableTransformer.apply_transforms() function. Calls are driven via entries in transform_specs['Section Name']['section_transforms']


Applied after all section and table transforms have been executed to generate self.summary_dict, which contains summary information by patient and is used to generate primary output.

def summary_func_to_output(self)

Create output by calling "summary_func" defined in summary_specs

def trans_specs_for_sect(self, section_name: str) ‑> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, typing.Any]]]

gets section specific transform specs to be applied to tables within a section. Passed to the Section constructor.